Thursday, April 17, 2014

MAD - Modern Asian Diner

Jakarta is welcomed with many new fancy restaurants concept. One of them is the Singapore franchise-based restaurant named:

Modern Asian Diner (MAD)

The name is unique enough and the abbreviation for me is so memorable. That's one good point.
You can spot MAD right next to the XXI

MAD it self is located at Lotte Shopping Avenue / Ciputra World. The restaurant it self inside the mall is strategic enough by located beside XXI. 


The place is big enough and nice. No wonder i capture many photos there and put it all here because they have so many beautiful spot for the interior is unique and colorful <3

Even the menu book is so good looking, accompanied with the outside view beside my table.

The food main course especially those with claypots are nice. The rices are soft, and sticky with each other, fit in with the claypot. Maybe the foods are kind of pricey, but the portion was big and the rice was much for me.
Menu #5: Sopo Pipi Sapi, IDR 118k
Flavor like "gulai"

Menu #9:  Black Bean Japanese Momoiro Pork Belly Katsu Claypot Rice, IDR 108k

Menu #2: Nasi Pipi Sapi, 118k
This was a kind of fried rice with beef blackpepper

Menu #1: Laksa Lamian, 98k

Ti Quan Yin, 8k

The foods name are all actually named with English names, but the bill was hand-written with all Indonesian name so i can't mention the English name because i don't remember it all.
The service here was nice. But when i came here, the waitress don't have enough knowledge about the menus. Maybe she isn't the in charge person that time.

Overall for me, it is worth it to give a try to catch up here. The foods, interiors, and ambiance are different enough to get a refreshment.

Thank you for reading :)

MAD - Modern Asian Diner
Lotte Shopping Avenue
4th floor #33 - Ciputra World 1

Jln.Prof.Dr.Satrio, Kav 3-5
Karet Kuningan

Jakarta Selatan
(021) 29889499

Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / MAD's Website

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Genki Sushi Restaurant Jakarta

Genki Sushi 

Due to some of my friends asked and curious about this unique sushi resto, so i will share some of my experience here. So this post is about the new-but-not-really-new Hi-Tech Japanese Restaurant that is located at Food Hall Plaza Senayan, Jakarta.
Located below the famous Union, Genki Sushi is big and spacey enough with yellow interior. 

Basically, Genki Sushi is a franchise restaurant from Japan and has many chains on Singapore, Hongkong, USA, Kuwait, etc and now they expanded to Indonesia. No wonder they have cool and advance technology to deliver the foods so fast and cute like this. Yes, fast, just like waiting on a sushi bar.
Astro Boy was delivering my sushi!

sushi was delivered express just like racing car

Not forget to mention, many activities like ordering, calling waiter, and paying bill are all done with Apple iPad mini in every table.
What's more unique and Hi-Tech is each table has one source of hot water with one bottle full of mathca powder dedicated for those who order glass of ocha. I love it because no more need to wait the waiter to get a refill and i can make my matcha drink lumpier :p
Hot Ocha, 8k

So now what about the prices and foods ? Here it is (all prices aren't subjected to tax and service charge).
Kake Udon, 24k
Chicken Teriyaki Roll, 24k
Tuna Corn Inari, 16k
Salmon Maki, 19k
All foods in these pictures haven't been eaten yet and the portions are a little small, with a not-so-high price for sushi. But maybe it is worth it with the convenience of the technologies used. 
Taste? It was nice for a sushi-lover like me. The flavors are not too heavy nor light. 
Overall, I consider to come back here again.

Thank you so much for reading :)

Genki Sushi
Basement Area, Sogo Food Hall
Plaza Senayan

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Kisah Tukang Cukur dan Tuhan

Recently I found a good story about God's presence. Maybe you have read it before but this simple story really touch.

Tukang Cukur dan Tuhan

Seorang konsumen datang ke tempat tukang cukur untuk memotong rambut & merapikan brewoknya. Si tukang cukur mulai memotong rambut & mulailah terlibat pembicaraan. Mereka membicarakan berbagai variasi topik pembicaraan & sesaat topik pembicaraan beralih tentang Tuhan.

Si tukang cukur bilang, "Saya tidak percaya Tuhan itu ada".

"Kenapa kamu berkata begitu ???" timpal si konsumen.
"Begini, coba Anda perhatikan di depan sana, di jalanan.. Katakan padaku, jika Tuhan itu ada, Adakah yg sakit ? Adakah anak terlantar ? Jika Tuhan ada, tidak akan ada sakit ataupun kesusahan. Saya tidak dpt mmbayangkan Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang akan membiarkan ini semua trjadi."

Si konsumen diam u/ berpikir sejenak, tapi tidak merespon karena dia tidak ingin memulai adu pendapat. Si tukang cukur menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dan si konsumen pergi meninggalkan tempat si tukang cukur.

Beberapa saat setelah dia meninggalkan ruangan itu dia melihat ada orang di jalan dgn rambut yang panjang, berombak kasar, kotor dan brewok yang tidak dicukur. Org itu trlihat tidak terawat.

Si konsumen balik ke tempat tukang cukur & berkata, "Kamu tahu, sebenarnya TIDAK ADA TUKANG CUKUR."

Si tukang cukur tidak terima," Kamu kok bisa bilang begitu ?? Saya di sini & saya tukang cukur. Dan barusan saya mencukurmu !"

"Tidak!" elak si konsumen. "Tukang cukur itu tidak ada, sebab jika ada, tidak akan ada orang dengan rambut panjang yang kotor dan brewokan seperti orang yg di luar sana ", si konsumen menambahkan.

"Ah tidak, tapi tukang cukur tetap ada !", sanggah si tukang cukur." Apa yg kamu lihat itu adalah salah mereka sendiri, knapa mereka tdk datang ke saya", jawab si tukang cukur membela diri.

"Cocok !" kata si konsumen mnyetujui. "Itulah point utama-nya ! Sama dengan Tuhan, TUHAN ITU JUGA ADA! Tapi apa yg terjadi.. Orang-orang TIDAK MAU MENCARI-NYA. Oleh karena itu banyak yg sakit & tertimpa kesusahan di dunia ini."

Si tukang cukur terbengong....

Such a smart, wise, and patient consumer. He could controlled his emotion by avoiding to directly counter the barber's statement that could lead to a useless debate. He then tried to realize that the barber is wrong with a real and hit the mark example that wouldn't needed many arguments.

Hope you enjoy the story!
Thank you for reading :)

nb: this is a repost story
source: unknown

photo credit:

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Test Profesi dan Workplace gratis untuk mahasiswa

Tes Profesi Gratis

Halo semua! :D

Ada test profesi gratis (sampai tgl 10 April 2014) nih buat yg mau tau minat & bakat kalian dlm bekerja disini:

testnya harus dikerjakan sampai selesai agar bisa submit email karena hasilnya akan dikirim sekitar 1 bulan ke email yg di submit.
(note: buat yg udah / akan lulus thn 2014, pas di pilihan tahun akan lulus kalian dapat memilih pilihan tahun 2015 biar ttep bs ikutan).

Kalian juga bisa share ini kpd teman-teman lain yg membutuhkan. Thank you. GB:)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Arti Tahi Lalat di Tubuh Manusia

Hello! This is kind of 'iseng' post from me.
Some of this are true while other maybe not :p

Arti Tahi Lalat di Tubuh Manusia:
@Ubun-ubun - Tamak. akan harta benda, jahat dan jahil
@Unyeng-unyeng - Banyak akal, pendiam tapi cerdas
@Kepala bagian belakang - Dapat dipercaya, pemberani dan sabar
@Kepala sebelah kanan - Banyak rezeki
@Kepala sebelah kiri - Wataknya buruk
@Dahi kanan atau kiri - Wataknya buruk
@Dahi tengah-tengah - Pandai dan baik hati
@Pelipis kanan atau kiri - Banyak rezeki
@Kelopak mata atas kanan/kiri - Pandai membawa diri
@Kelopak mata bawah kanan/kiri - @Sering menderita
@Ujung mata kanan/kiri - Dapat dipercaya dan pendiam
@Pangkal hidung - Pandai dan baik hati
@Alis kanan - Suka menolong
@Alis kiri - Dicintai banyak orang
@Hidung - Banyak rezeki
@Hidung bawah - Pandai bicara, banyak rezeki
@Bibir atas - Cerdas, banyak rezeki, Cerewet !!
@Bibir bawah - Baik hati
@Pipi kanan/kiri - Dermawan
@Pipi tengah - Disukai
@Ujung mulut kanan - Pandai bicara
@Dagu - Pandai bicara dan jujur
@Telinga kanan - Keras dan mudah marah
@Telinga kiri - Pandai dan jujur
@Leher depan - Bijaksana
@Leher belakang - Kecil hati, putus asa
@Bahu kanan - Pendiriannya teguh
@Bahu kiri - Pikirannya selalu ruwet
@Buah dada kanan/kiri - Nafsunya besar
@Antara buah dada - Baik hati
@Punggung - Dapat dipercaya
@Tengah perut - Dapat dipercaya
@Pinggang - Jujur dan tabah
@Pantat - Sering menderita
@Pangkal paha - Tangkas dan banyak rezeki
@Kemaluan - Nafsunya besar,wow :O
@Lutut depan - Kuat berjalan
@Lutut sebelah dalam - Hatinya tidak tetap
@Betis - Dapat dipercaya
@Tulang kaki kanan - Pemboros
@Tulang kaki kiri - Pemberani
@Pergelangan kaki - Kuat berjalan
@Tumit - Tidak dapat dipercaya
@Jari-jari kaki - Suka bekerja
@Lengan kanan/kiri - Suka bekerja
@Telapak kaki - Baik hati
@Telapak tangan kanan - Pandai menyimpan harta
@Telapak tangan kiri - Pemboros
@Telapak belakang - Kuat kaya
@Ujung siku - Baik hati
@Siku bagian dalam - Selalu tabah
@Jari-jari tangan - Banyak rezeki
@Pergelangan tangan - Pemboros.
Which one are you ? :p

Nb: this is a copied information that i received in the past from a broadcast messsage. Thank you for reading.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Cimory Riverside and Chocomory (short trip to Puncak part 3)

This is the last stop of me and my friends little trip to Puncak. We went to Cimory Riverside and Chocomory.

First we have after lunch foods at the Cimory. The place was crowded enough for we arrived there about 4.00 PM, so we couldn't get the best spot which is beside the river, and that time the weather was raining too.

At Cimory we didn't order the main course foods because we were still full after having lunch at Nicole's.
foods with banana hot milk (IDR 8K)

potato wedges IDR 27,5K

Natchos IDR 29,5K

Mantao kukus IDR 25,5K

The overall taste of food was decent, nice enough with the price. Banana milk was so nice, the taste was so fresh and yummy.

After having little foods and taking photos there, we then went beside to Chocomory, a brand extension shop of Cimory's which contain shops like supermarket and choco corner all for gifts to be taken home.

cute shopping bags

choco corner dolls

refrigerator full of fresh milks

Thank you all for reading :)

Cimory Riverside
Jl. Raya Puncak no. 435, KM 77
Puncak - Bogor
0251 8257888

Nicole's Kitchen and Lounge (short trip to Puncak part 2)

So there's a new hip and fancy restaurant in Puncak with white, light, and open nature ambiance located at Kampoeng Brasco Factory Outlet named:

Nicole's Kitchen and Lounge

The restaurant is big enough with 3 floors with lift and the serve spot for wedding also.
Me and my friends went on the 3rd floor which is the lounge.

Here are some pictures inside the comfy lounge, and the outdoors.
elegant yet nature interior when first stepped out from the lift

And now here's some of the foods:
BBQ Chicken Steak Chasseur IDR 40k

Mocktail Maxi Fuzzy IDR 32k
Spaghetti Carbonara IDR 35k

The prices are affordable and there are no service charge, so fun we only have to pay for the 10% tax ,not like most "beautiful eating" restaurants in Jakarta.
The taste of the chicken steak was decent, worth with the atmosphere and price. The spaghetti carbonara was more ordinary like usual pasta. The mocktail was nice.

There were some foods my friends also ordered:
Udon Kitsune IDR 42k: just so so
Nasi Goreng IDR 30k: nice
Spaghetti Aglio IDR 32k: like ordinary pasta

The other ordinary drinks are also affordable:
Regular tea: IDR 7k
Lemon tea: IDR 12k

More Special drink:
Ice blended cookies & cream: IDR 38k
Lemon squash: 26k

Well after all this place is so great to take photos with because of their great ambience. Almost all people who came that day brought "tongsis" to take their #selfie. Great food great place! Worth to re-visit.
before left, lets take a #selfie (tongsis used)

Nicole’s Kitchen and Lounge
Jl. Raya Puncak no. 57, KM 75
Cipayung – Bogor

Thank You for reading, check out my next post for the last trip in Puncak featuring Cimory Riverside and Chocomory and also my previous post about Kebun Teh and Taman Bunga Nusantara :)